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Booking Terms & Conditions

Days until Expedition Departure Cancellation Charge (as a % of the Expedition Cost)
More than 330 days Loss of Expedition reservation fee/ deposit
Between 301 days and 329 days 15%
Between 211 days and 300 days 20%
Between 181 days and 210 days 25%
Between 151 days and 180 days 30%
Between 121 days and 150 days 50%
Between 91 days and 120 days 80%
Between 31 days and 90 days 90%
30 days or less 100%
Days until Expedition Departure Cancellation Charge (relevant to the UK Leadership Cost)
More than 365 days Loss of UK Leadership Development reservation fee/ deposit
Between 364 days and 150 days 60%
Less than 150 days 100%
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