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Practical Leadership Weekend

The Practical Leadership Weekend helps you to prepare - mentally and physically - for the challenges you'll face overseas and in life.
Itineraries vary from team to team but the main aspects are as follows;
Activity Details
Leadership challenges Take on leadership responsibilities with the support and encouragement of your team.
Campcraft Learn to choose a good site, put up and pack away your tent properly, organise your belongings and ensure a comfortable night for you and your tent mates.
Team Work Learn how to work with the dynamics of a group and how to best contribute to the success of the team.
Communication Skills Find your voice and learn how to give your team mates the space to find theirs.
Get to know your Leader Training will be lead by your Expedition Leader so it's a great opportunity to get to know them before you travel.
Cooking Practise feeding a hungry team on a budget using stoves safely. You'll plan your menu and shop for supplies before arriving on site and learn how to clean and care for your equipment.
First Aid Basic training to ensure you feel confident to assist if needed.
Equipment Master the art of packing, unpacking and repacking your rucksack. Learn how to use kit - from breaking in boots, walking with poles, setting up a hammock or using a rope to cross a river
Code of Conduct You will go through the Code of Conduct with your Leader so that you fully understand your responsibilities and that of your Leader and team mates during training and whilst overseas.
Hygiene Your leader will go through how to ensure you stay clean and safe, even when you may not have access to a bathroom or running water.
Team Games Team building games and activities are a great way to bond and get to know your team mates better.
Trek You'll take part in a trek that best matches what you're likely to experience in country. A great opportunity to test your fitness and work as a team and practise carrying a rucksack.