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Neighbouring villages have come together to develop community schools for their children in Zambia. The government does not provide support for a school unit until it is well established so the costs of the school construction, educational materials, teachers' salaries, classroom furniture and other resources are all being funded by the community.
The team at Jungle Junction have been instrumental in helping these schools and have worked alongside local and international volunteers who want to help this truly grassroots iniative.
Located in a rural village on the banks of the Zambezi, teams get involved in brick building for a small community school which contributes to the foundations of the next classroom or teacher accommodation.
Participants spend 5 days working on the project, whilst camping at a backpackers site on jungle-covered, Bovu island - which is only accessible by dug out canoe! The island is teeming with wildlife, including some not so shy Genets, a type of small jungle cat.
The work is physical but rewarding! The main focus is on the teams making bricks by hand which are then used for the construction of the school buildings.
During their visit teams will learn more about the lifestyle of the local people and benefit form cultural exchange.
The group found the project very rewarding. Brett and his team on Bovu Island were excellent and the camp I couldn't fault. They took a real personal interest in the team and made them feel very welcome. It's a very valuable project and a wonderful camp that's well run and welcoming. It's also a stunning situation where the team get a great feel for bush life.