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Developing Life-Ready Leaders
An expedition is an eye-opening, perspective-shifting experience that shows young people what they can achieve by stepping out of their comfort zone. Their eyes are opened to the wider world, the challenges it faces and how they can play a role in making things better.
For nearly 20 years, we’ve seen first-hand, the positive impact that expeditions have on students, their teachers and the people they meet and work with in-country.
Valuable life skills are learned, knowledge is gained and confidence soars.
But what happens after returning home? How do we ensure that students use what they’ve learned to continue developing and building a successful future?
Here's how...
Outlook Expedition MD, Simon Adams explains:
It’s not enough to say that expeditions - or other outdoor learning experiences - ‘develop life skills’ or ‘build confidence’ anymore. We KNOW they do (and we’ve said it ourselves!) but unless students know what they’re learning and why, have time to practise the skills and the opportunity to embed the behaviours, the benefits won’t be long lasting.
So, we’ve partnered with world renowned leadership programme ‘Leader in Me’ to offer schools and students the opportunity to gain even more from the expedition experience.
Not only will students gain all the usual benefits, they’ll also learn a framework of habits – through in-depth guided training sessions, resources – and on the expedition itself - that they can use to tackle life’s challenges for ever more.
They’ll also gain a certified, recognised qualification – to use as evidence in UCAS applications or job interviews.
I’m thrilled that Outlook is the first and only expedition provider to be offering this value-added addition to schools and students. We’re passionate advocates for Character Education and believe combining an overseas expedition with a professional-style, leadership course will support schools to excel in this area.
Leader in Me is based on Stephen Covey’s ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ which has been a bestselling book (30 million and counting) and a hallowed leadership programme for over 25 years.
From this success came ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens’ a version created for teenagers to enable them to become more independent and effective by following seven basic habits:
Habit 1 Be proactive
Habit 2 Begin with the end in mind
Habit 3 Put first things first
Habit 4 Think win-win
Habit 5 Seek first to understand, then to be understood
Habit 6 Synergise
Habit 7 Sharpen the saw
The basis of learning is centred around the ‘5 Core Paradigms’
The aim of the course is to develop ‘life-readiness’ in students, help them find their voice and empower them to take control of their own lives.
For more information on the ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens’ – download the e-book.